291 War

The Right Honourable Winston Churchill Poster ✓ Product Link
Great Britain, c. 1940
15 x 20 in (38 x 51 cm)

Federation of Woman's Boards of Foreign Missions Poster Product Link
U.S.A., 1919
35 x 23 in (89 x 58 cm)

German Submarine New York Times Mid-Week Pictorial Product Link
U.S.A., 1916
16 x 21 in (41 x 53 cm)

Frank Leslie's Gunboat 'Harriet Lane' Capture Product Link
U.S.A., 1863
16 x 22 in (41 x 56 cm)

Frank Leslie's 'Bombardment of Fredericksburg, VA' Product Link
U.S.A., 1862
16 x 22 in (41 x 56 cm)

Harper's Weekly 'Memphis Naval Battle' Illustrations Product Link
U.S.A., 1862
16 x 22 in (41 x 56 cm)

Harper's Weekly 'Uprising of the North' Engraving Product Link
U.S.A., 1862
16 x 22 in (41 x 56 cm)

Harper's Weekly 'Battle of the Monitor and the Merrimac' Illustrations Product Link
U.S.A., 1862
16 x 22 in (41 x 56 cm)

Harper's Weekly 'Grand Reception at the White House' Product Link
U.S.A., 1862